Off the Parade Ground

Chapter 3

by R. K. Wigal

     Lieutenant Roger Kennison closed his clear-channel communicator and placed it back in its niche. Picking up the particle rifle, he looked it over slowly, appreciatively, from the butt of the stock to the tip of the barrel, paying particular attention to the sight. This weapon's an absolute masterwork, he thought to himself. This is no ordinary rifle. And what of the mysterious missing sleeve? He brought it up to his shoulder and peered through the scope, aiming it at a distant object outside the window. I could rewrite the record books at the range with this, he mused. Unaware of the smile that had crossed his lips, he admired the rifle a moment longer, then he put it back in its case, closed the cover and placed it on a high shelf in his closet. The mystery will have to wait, he conceded mentally as he closed the closet door. First things first! I'm hungry!
     Leaving his quarters once again, Kennison headed for his car. As he neared the new Dart Astro, a lilting, feminine voice behind him exclaimed, "Oh No! This can't be happening!"
     Turning around, he saw a lithe young woman, not quite as tall as he, with short, dark chestnut hair, dark brown eyes, and golden tan skin. He discerned strength of character in her expression and demeanor. She was standing next to a land car with a flat right rear tire; the car's aft stow lid was open.
     He walked over to her, caught her gaze and said, "Need help with the spare?"
     "If I had air in the spare, I could put it on myself! But it's flat," she complained.
     "Well then, let's just take both tires into town in my car and get 'em fixed. We can grab a bite while we're waiting," he offered.
     "That'll solve both my problems," she said. "I was on my way to get some lunch when..."
     "Say no more," he chimed, keeping his gaze on her. "It's off to lunch we go! I'm Roger Kennison, by the way," he added as he held out his right hand.
     Shaking his hand firmly, she replied, "I'm Melanie Sencindiver, Mel to my friends."
     "Mel? Why not Lanie," he asked, half in jest.
     "What's more MACO? Lanie or Mel," she quizzed.
     "Point taken," he responded with a smile. "Now, shall we flip a coin to see who jacks up the car?"
     First she laughed, then he laughed. Then Roger held out his right hand again, and Mel handed him the jack.

* * * * *

     "The lady will have a B.L.T. with French roast coffee and I'll have the same, thank you." Roger Kennison said with a smile to the petite, young, strawberry blond waitress.
     "I'll have your order in a jiffy, sir," she replied cheerily, then turned, and hurried off toward the kitchen.
     Looking into her eyes, Roger asked, "How do you like your Tempo, Mel?"
     "I love it! My dad got it for me second hand when we found out I was accepted into the academy. It's been very good to me since then. You're pretty lucky to be driving a new Dart Astro," she commented, smiling.
     "You have no idea," he told her. "I started out intending to buy a used Tempo earlier this morning, but the key to the Astro was dropped into my hand instead."
     Eyebrows raised, she asked, "How'd you manage that?"
     "Let's just say I have a benefactor with deep pockets and leave it at that," he replied evasively.
     Smiling slightly, she said with a wink, "Understood."
     The waitress returned just then with their meals and coffee. Each took a sip of coffee and started eating.
     Melanie looked into Roger's eyes. "Have you been assigned yet?"
     "Yes, I have. Looks like I'll be based right here in San Diego, at least for the time being," he replied, matching her gaze. "What about you?"
     "I've got thirty days furlough. Then I'll take charge of a squad on board the science vessel, Northern Lights. I'm a little nervous," she confided.
     "You'll do fine," he assured her. "Just don't let 'em see you sweat," he added with a chuckle.
     "Don't let 'em see you sweat," she echoed quietly, grinning. "I Like that."
     "I only asked for a week's leave," he continued. "So my career starts officially a week from Monday. You going anywhere in particular before you ship out?"
     "My brother's coming down from L.A. for a few days to visit and to take charge of my car while I'm off gallivanting in space, but I'm staying here in San Diego until I leave."
     "Holding her gaze and leaning forward slightly, Roger said to her, "Mel, you know the annual MACO Officers' Ball is next Saturday. You will honor me greatly if you'll allow me to escort you."
     "Roger, the honor will be mine," she responded, a little wide-eyed. "I will be happy to have you escort me to the MACO Officers Ball."
     Easing back in his chair, he smiled a little and added, "Okay, I'll make the arrangements."
     The rest of lunch went by in a blur.

* * * * *

     Roger put the wheel with the repaired tire back on Melanie's car, lowered the jack and placed the jack back into the aft stow with the repaired spare. He closed the lid, then turned to Melanie and said, "This has already been a most eventful day for me, due in no small part to our having met. We must do lunch again...soon."
     "I'm glad I fi...I'm glad we met as well," she replied softly, "but let's have dinner instead," she added with a wink.
     "Dinner works for me," he replied, with a grin. Then Roger watched her as Melanie turned and began walking toward her quarters.
     Looking back over her shoulder, Melanie smiled at Roger and said, "I'll wait for your call."